“Sono una fotografa di natura e paesaggio che si concentra nel cogliere l’essenza dei luoghi, anche quelli meno conosciuti,
per donare freschezza e nuova luce a un mondo apparentemente senza più scoperte. Attraverso le mie immagini voglio suscitare una forte connessione emotiva tra le persone e la magia della scena fotografata, ricreando un’atmosfera di poesia e bellezza in cui potersi immergere. Sono i grandi fotografi contemporanei statunitensi di natura e paesaggio come David Muench, Galen Rowell e Jim Brandeburg ad ispirarmi. La sensibilità e la determinazione che usano nel catturare la bellezza di un mondo che lentamente scompare, mi spingono continuamente alla ricerca di nuove immagini." |
"I am a nature and landscape photographer who focuses on capturing the essence of places, even the lesser known ones,
to give freshness and new light to a world apparently without more discoveries.
Through my images I want to arouse a strong emotional connection between people
and magic of the scene photographed,
recreating an atmosphere of poetry and beauty in which to immerse yourself.
They are the great contemporary American nature and landscape photographers
like David Muench, Galen Rowell and Jim Brandeburg to inspire me.
The sensitivity and determination they use in capturing the beauty of a slowly disappearing world,
They continually push me to search for new images. "
to give freshness and new light to a world apparently without more discoveries.
Through my images I want to arouse a strong emotional connection between people
and magic of the scene photographed,
recreating an atmosphere of poetry and beauty in which to immerse yourself.
They are the great contemporary American nature and landscape photographers
like David Muench, Galen Rowell and Jim Brandeburg to inspire me.
The sensitivity and determination they use in capturing the beauty of a slowly disappearing world,
They continually push me to search for new images. "